Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So people keep telling my to blog and I'm not sure what to talk about because I've kind of just been doing the regular classes by day, pubs by night. With that being said, I will update you on my plans to travel.

This Weekend.
Kylemore Abbey & Garden
Included in tuition, are two school trips. One being this weekend. We will be leaving Friday morning and bussing over to Galway, where we will get a tour of Kylemore Abbey & Garden. The picture makes me nervous, but we shall see. From there, we will check into our hotel and most likely end up going to some pubs. Saturday morning, we will ferry over to the Aran Islands. Once on the island, we will visit Inis Mor to see some archaeological sites I believe. We will also visit Dun Aongus, which has some nice cliffs I hear. Then Sunday, we'll leave Galway and go to the Cliff of Moher, which I was told to go to by many different people. And then it's back to Dublin!

Northern Ireland.
Our next school planned trip is to Northern Ireland. It'll take place the weekend of October 22nd, which just so happens to be the same weekend my family's coming to visit. Go figure. I don't have to itinerary for the trip yet, but I know we'll be hitting up Belfast and somewhere in the Londonderry area. I'll keep you updated on that when it gets closer.

Reading Week.
In Europe university's don't really have too many breaks like we do in American, i.e. Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, and any other American holiday's that would cause long weekends. The only break we get is a week called Reading Week, which is ten days in November meant to help get some extra exam prep. Obviously this means big excursions for all us Americans. Liz, my roommate (Kristen) and I have all decided to travel together for this week. 

The plan is (and we're booking our tickets after we get out of class right now) to fly to Rome Saturday morning. We'll spend two nights, three days in Rome and then train over to Florence. We'll hang out in Florence for two days, and then, because Florence airport sucks and doesn't fly to any relevant cities, we're going to train it over to Milan. We'll be in Milan for about an hour before we catch a flight to Prague. It sounds like it would suck to only spend an hour in Milan, but it's a rather expensive city so I really don't mind at all ha. We'll be in Prague for two nights and then jet-set over to Paris! Kristen has a friend in Paris, so hopefully she'll have fun stuff for us to do. We'll spend 3 nights in Paris and head back to Dublin Monday afternoon. I know, I know. Monday classes. However the difference between the plane ticket Sunday and the plane ticket Monday, was 50 Euro, which is A LOT of US dollars. My plane ticket Monday now it 14.99 Euros. This whole trip, including planes, trains, and hostels, will be roughly $400. Not including food. It sounds a bit pricey to me, but everyone else says that's really cheap so alright! I'm excited for that.

Other places I'll be traveling to on my own dollar include; London, Edinburg (Scotland/where Harry Potter was created), Amsterdam, Cork (southern Ireland), andddddddd any place I can snowboard, which could be Germany, Austria, Switzerland, or any super cheap place.

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