Monday, December 5, 2011

Eurotrip - Part Prague.

Onto Prague!

     Our flight got in at Prague at 1am. We stepped off the plane onto ice covered, metal steps. I almost slid off. Safe. Unfortunately, I had to check my bag and I had left my coat in my bag since we were coming from Italy where it was nice and sunny. When we checked the weather for Prague, I guess we all just looked at the highs. So we were expecting it to be a solid 45 degrees out. Not the negative 20 it was. Anyway, no one was at the airport. No one checked our passports, asked us why we were there, how long we'd be there for. Nothing. I could have moved in if I wanted to and they would never know. So if you're ever looking to move illegally into a European country, go at night. Well we got in line for a cab, which were coming every 15 minutes. So we were standing there in the cold for a good 45 minutes that felt like 3 hours. We met a girl from Chicago that lives there. She's probably illegal, that's why she flew back at night. She said she was surprised at how cold it was though because when she had left the week before, it was warm and sunny. Awesome. This weather came just for us. Eventually we caught a cab, showed him our address, and were on our way. He dropped us off in what seemed like the middle of nowhere and then just drove away. There we were on some random, dark road without anyone knowing we were in the country, waiting for someone from the hostel to come let us in. About 10 minutes later, someone finally let us in, gave us our keys, told us to come back to the desk in the morning, and went back to bed. We probably could have got this hostel for free, but oh well. Keep in mind how late it is and of big of a hot mess Kristen is. (That should make sense to you if you read Eurotrip Part Rome). So we walk in and Kristen's making enough noise to wake up the entire city. Which would have been fine if we were in a private room, but we were in an 8 person dorm room. It did have a kitchen though! Our hostel-mate, Jyn from Japan, woke up and told us to turn on the lights. So I figured that meant it was only him. So we did. There were 3 other people in the room besides him. I felt bad, but we made our way to some empty beds, Liz and I quietly threw on sweatpants, turned off the lights, and went to bed. Kristen took her entire suitcase to the bathroom. Lord knows why, but it sounded like she was retiling the place. I don't know what she could have possibly been doing in there, but once she finally got quiet and settled into bed, her phone goes off. Where a normal person at 2am would just quiet the thing and get up and walk out of the room, Kristen just grabbed her phone and ran to the bathroom. The bathroom door by the way is the loudest door I've ever heard. It's a slider and even the quietest person couldn't open it without making at least a little bit of noise. So imagine a panicked Kristen haha. Anyway, by time she was off the phone, I was already passed out.
     My mom gave me the name of this company that does free walking tours in Prague, so the next day we looked that up and decided it was a good plan. When we exited our hostel, we found that our street actually looked very nice and it was only a 7 minute walk to city centre. (I say 7 because 5 feels too fast and 10 seems too long). Which was awesome considering our hostel was only 7eur per night! So we took the tour, which was 3 hours, but we saw all of Old Town and learned a good chunk of Prague's history. Mostly focused on WWII. We has an awesome tour guide named Reg, from London, who sounded like Austin Powers' father. Or the coach from Miss. Congeniality. Which ever movie you've seen. He sounded like that guy. After the tour, we walked around and shopped a bit. Eventually we made our way over to New Town, got lost a bit, saw a castle, saw some other weird stuff, ate, and headed back to meet our hostel-mates for a night out. It was us, Jyn, Zuzan from Slovakia, and Ming Ho from Korea. He didn't really talk much. He said he could understand us, but it was hard to reply back in English. He was nice though. Zuzan come to Prague every other week to take classes, so she knows her way around and took us to a few places she likes. I ordered a Budwiser, which apparently is a Czech beer and the one we know in America is a rip off and illegal to import into Czech. I must admit, it was way better tasting. I also had a beer called 'X' that was brewed in the pub and claimed to be the strongest beer in the world coming in at 12.5% alcohol. It was really sweet and tasted like berries. I liked it. Shortly after, we went home because we all had to wake up early. We left our Facebook info with them, but have yet to hear from them :(
      Then next day, we were planning on waking up at 7am and walking around a bit before heading to the airport, but that didn't happen. So we got up, packed, checked out, and headed right for our plane to Copenhagen! What the eff is in Copenhagen???

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